If you can buy a software package that exactly fits your business needs, then you don’t need custom software. However, if doing things a little (or a lot!) differently gives your company it’s competitive advantage, then you may need custom software.
Going with the proverbial one-person-show – While there are wonderful, well-intentioned developers out there who do a great job, the danger is always that something horrible may happen to them, as in the case of our clients.
A high quality, accurate specification saves time and money because it eliminates costly rework, and it improves satisfaction because you and your developers have a shared understanding of what's required.
Follow these guidelines and create an environment where you’ll always have someone who’s qualified to update a very important business asset - your software.
Data mining is the process of analyzing your data to discover patterns that can be used to predict future behavior such as buying patterns, fraudulent activity, and resource demand.
Using process characterization is one of the best ways to streamline and organize your business processes, which ultimately improves one of every business’ key processes – calculation of the bottom line.
During a process characterization, your consultants conduct interviews with your employees, summarize the information into process steps and issues, develop easy to read graphics or maps depicting how the business works, and facilitate team meetings to review the maps and findings.