During its 30+ years in business, DragonPoint has provided custom reporting systems for a number of our clients. The common element among these systems is that the client has an application that works, but they can’t get their data out of the application the way they want to see it.
After years of using a custom legacy application, a homebuilding client had refined their reports to provide exactly the information management required. The reports were complex and consolidated information across divisions.
When the company decided to replace the legacy system with a new ERP package, they chose to convert one division at a time. When the first division converted to the new ERP package, they quickly found that none of the reports included with the package provided the information they needed, much less the information in the expected format.
They turned to DragonPoint for a solution that provided employees in all divisions with a common interface for generating reports from the legacy and new application.
Using data from the new ERP package’s API, we created reports with data and format comparable to those from the legacy system. Then we build a reporting application that used the authentication process to determine a user’s division so the reports for each user were pulled from the appropriate system. As divisions were converted to the new ERP package, the reporting application automatically changed the source of reports.
A few years later, the client became frustrated with the limitations of the ERP package and asked DragonPoint to write a custom application to replace it. We expanded the use of the reporting application to the new custom application, and as divisions were converted from the ERP package to the new system, their reports transitioned with them.
A manufacturing client was referred to DragonPoint when the vendor supporting their ERP package told them it was impossible to generate the reports they needed. The client knew the data required to build the reports was in the system, and when they showed us, we agreed the reports should be possible.
We worked with the vendor to access the database to retrieve the data and began coding the reports the client required. Years after the original reports were coded, the client asked DragonPoint to convert the data source for the reports to use the data from their new ERP system.
These clients and others have identified a standard format and business rules for their reports, and they want to retain their reports regardless of the backend system that produces them.
If you know that the data you need exists in your systems, but you’re not able to get the information you want in the format you need it, call DragonPoint at 321-631-0657 to discuss the possibility of creating a custom reporting application for your business.